Why is “divorce” considered a taboo or an abuse to woman but a praise for a man. It’s always the woman’s fault and a man’s pride. Thousands of questions are asked by her parents, siblings and friends. Oh! You are divorcee, a house-breaker it’s definitely your fault this is the general reply.
I chose a life with you but you left me red & blue, left my parents, outgrew my body had kids for you, left my career became a full time mother had sleepless nights for kids, cooked, cleaned everything alone. You chose to betray me not once, not twice but as many as times as it could be. Oh! Yes, But still I am the house-breaker; a divorcee.
I walked out of the house and your life with our kids but the possessions i took were more precious than your kids, you accused me & called me a thief for the gold which was gifted by parents for my security. I lived with you (a narcissist / mysogynist) in a 150sqft house and never complained the only tag at the end you could give me was that of a thief.
“Kids would suffer” these words echoed in my ears, yes they did because you made them suffer. Before divorce you yelled, screamed, physically tortured me, dislocated my jaw and broke my nose. They suffered in silence even after divorce because you absconded leaving their school and life in jeopardy and all of us in poverty for your new bride. Oh! Yes, But still I am the house-breaker; a divorcee.
Came out of the trauma & anti-depressant pills. At the end I am the winner with loving and stable kids. I see them growing each day but hidden from nosey neighbours who don’t know the truth ‘coz divorce is a taboo and divorcee is a disgrace. You are at fault and you’ll never take that responsibility. I chose happiness in my life I got punished for your infedility. Oh! Yes, But I am still called a house-breaker; a divorcee.