Mindset, the established set of attitudes held by someone.
Yes, that’s right. it’s all in your mind, the will power of good over evil, Every idea (good or bad) starts in our mind. It’s we, human beings who need to understand the dept of this before destroying a person’s image by verbally abusing or talking good or bad about him/her. It’s a fight of negativity and positivity. it’s a person’s mindset that makes him do a crime, sin, or morality. Mind-set differs with age & gender.
A school going kid will have a mind of his own with the tension of waking up in the morning, getting dressed, rushing to school, peer pressure, looking the best, home-work and above all exams. Kids have a mixed mindset influenced by parents and school friends. Growing kids turning into adolescents have a different mindset of being liked by a particular boy/girl in school, their looks, and how competitive can they be. In this world of Social Media, I personally hate kids being stuck on their phones for hours either playing or chatting with friends.
Gender, No, I am not gender bias, but a woman/man (this is a rare case in India) who’s a stay-at-home parent has a different mindset for everything. They are too influenced by social media, friends and relatives. Their day too can start with a positive mind-set always (unless they have a nagging mother-in-law or a husband who is as young as a toddler, right, you know what I mean). Women have the superpower to multi-task, we can be happy and sad at the same time (like waking up in the morning to see off kids is a difficult task, but be happy too because she’s gonna go shopping… yayyyyy)
Men, on the other hand, have their own storms going on in their small heads, I say small because they can’t multi-task neither can they remember birthdays or anniversary, But let’s not strangle them with the truth, the truth is that despite everything, I have known men to be having a far more positive mindset than of a woman honestly because they are the role model for their own kids, they run the house, work and they have to stay more positive if they have sub-ordinates working under them.
Basically, it’s just an individual’s choice of staying positive, negative, happy, unhappy. We should train our minds to see the good in everything. Positivity is a choice. The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts, after all in the end